Objective: To create a cover of BWV 846 by combining two audio files.
Download and unzip BWV846-64.32.16.zip
Open BWV846.64
Open BWV846.64.aup
4. Open sounds folder. 5. Open Patterns 64x. 6. Listen to audio files, select one, and drag it to the Audacity workspace. 7. Open CODA. Listen to audio files, select one, and drag it to the Audacity workspace.
8. Using the “time shift” tool, move the coda to the right and line it up with the Coda marker in the Time Guide track. Look for the yellow line. 9. Listen to the finished puzzle. You may switch out the sound files for others if you want.
10. Export your finished puzzle, add it to your playlist, and share it with family and friends.